Small Groups

Small Groups

People were created out of relationship and for relationship. We were never intended to face life alone. We are hard wired for community. This inherent need for companionship is especially true for a healthy life of faith. To this end, the Southwest Church family encourages everyone to engage in a weekly rhythm of community. We want everyone to be committed to a Small Group.

Small Group

A Small Group usually consists of 10-25 people who meet in homes every week. Each Small Group has a team of leaders who prayerfully choose a set of activities with the goals of cultivating authentic friendships, cultivating spiritual growth in the ways of Jesus, and cultivating leaders for new groups. 

Our vision is to create a movement of healthy small groups which make disciples through relationships. 

Please use the links on this page to learn more about Small Groups, or complete the form below if you’re interested in joining a group. For additional information and questions, please contact Melissa Shaver, our Small Group Minister. Send Melissa an email here. Or call her at the church office: 806-352-5647.

Small Groups